Sermon 42 - The Servant King brings Light
Jesus is the Light of the world
Recorded on 13th December 2015 at Kununurra Matthew 4:12-25, Kununurra People's church, 13 December 2015
This sermon is part 9 of Grahame's series through the gospel of Matthew and highlights the message from Matthew 4:12-25 that Jesus, the Servant King, has come as the Light of the world and brings light to the world.
Link for download - The Constitution of the Kingdom. To download, right click on the link and select "save as". Or click on the link to open in a new window to listen to it. Or listen below.
Sermon 45 - The Constitution of the Kingdom
Recorded on 3rd January 2016 at Kununurra People's church
This sermon is part 11 of Grahame's series through the gospel of Matthew and summarises the "Sermon on the Mount" which is found in Chapters 5 to 7. Three points are highlighted: the opposite sort of blessings to what we normally expect, the importance of the law (it teaches us we cannot be righteous) and the need to rely on God to save us (we just need to ask, but it is very difficult to find the gate to eternal life).
Link for download - The Constitution of the Kingdom. To download, right click on the link and select "save as". Or click on the link to open in a new window to listen to it. Or listen below.
Sermon 47 - The just shall live by faith
Recorded on 17th January 2016 at Kununurra People's church
"The just shall live by faith" is a phrase from Habakkuk 2:4 and the three times the phrase from that verse is quoted in the New Testament in Rom 1:17, Heb 10:38 and Gal 3:11. Grahame points out that each passage in the New Testament emphasises a different part of the phrase.
The just shall live by faith.
FQSH 57: Salvation
In this show GK Flint and Crusy from FQSH interview Grahame on the topic of salvation and fundamental issues such as how to get saved and what it means to be saved. Also, how to witness, the “Romans' Road”, the “sinner's prayer” and many other issues are discussed. Length: 1:47:32
Featured Recording
FQSH 57: Salvation
In this show GK Flint and Crusy from FQSH (now Like Flint Radio) interview Grahame Gould (the host of Hodos Radio) on the topic of salvation and fundamental issues such as how to get saved and what it means to be saved. Also, how to witness, the “Romans' Road”, the “sinner's prayer” and many other issues are discussed. Length: 1:47:32
Link FQSH 57 Salvation.
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